Add Extra Fees




Add Extra Fees Module allows you to charge additional fees for product purchases and for using specific payment gateways on your PrestaShop Store.

How can Add Extra Fees help your Site?

1. Additional Revenue to the Site

Site Admin can earn additional revenue through Extra Fees.

2. Encourage Customers to Spend More

Site Admin can encourage customers to spend more to avoid paying extra fees.


– Work for both Registered & Guest Users

– Works for both Simple & Variable Products

– Fee can be charged for the following actions,

1. Product Purchases
2. Payment Gateway

– Fee Types supported are,

1. Flat Fee

2. Percentage

Product Fee will be calculated based on Product Price
Payment Gateway Fee will be calculated based on Order Total

3. Flat Fee +Percentage

– A separate rule can be created to charge fees for Product Purchases & using Payment Gateways.

Rule Priority calculates & charges the fee when multiple rules are matched.

– Using Products Filter, you can set Product Fee to be charged for All Products/Specific Products.

– Both Fee[Product & Payment Gateway] can be restricted based on Category & User Group Selection.